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Better mobile phone coverage on M9 and rural areas on the way – McGuinness

A renowned black spot for poor to non- existent mobile phone coverage is about to receive a complete upgrade according to Deputy John McGuinness.

The M9 route from Waterford to Dublin will no longer have poor mobile phone reception following works that will be complete by the end of August.Following requests from Deputy John McGuinness who met with Telecoms Industry representatives in Leinster House recently, upgrades on the route will be carried out including merging of existing networks that have served Three and O2 customers separately; installation of new equipment on existing sites and also bringing new sites on air.There may be some localised disruption while the upgrade is being carried out, however, when completed, it will provide improved voice and data coverage along the entire route.“This is great news for road users who know too well the frustration of poor mobile phone coverage, particularly when there is an accident or and incident that needs to be reported urgently. I’m delighted to have been of assistance on the issue and to see such a positive and pro active response from the Telecom Industry,” said Deputy McGuinness.Deputy McGuinness has also confirmed that the network Three is currently implementing a complete upgrade of its network nationwide which will bring improvements for both urban and rural users, prioritising rural areas and provincial towns which will be completed first.“Internet users in rural parts of Kilkenny have endured poor internet service or none at all. I hope that these upgrades will change that and bring rural parts of the county up to speed in terms of their internet service. I welcome the news and hope that all of the issues will be addressed once and for all,” concluded Deputy McGuinness

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