What plans has the Minister for Social Protection to provide better support to carers who are providing full-time care and attention to more than one person.
The Minister states:
"Spending on income supports for carers by the Department of Social Protection is expected to amount to over €1.9 billion this year. The carer’s allowance scheme is the main scheme by means of which my Department provides income support to carers in the community. In 2025, the expenditure on the carer’s allowance scheme is estimated to be over €1.2 billion, which will provide an allowance to more than 98,311 people.
The carer's allowance payment is intended to provide an income support to a person whose capacity to earn an income from employment is restricted. In other cases, the requirement for an income support may arise due to illness, disability or unemployment. In the case of carers, the requirement arises due to their need to forgo full-time employment to allow them to take up caring responsibilities.
Where a person is providing care to more than one person, the personal rate is increased by up to 50% of the standard rate. In addition, the annual carer's support grant, which is not means tested, is paid in respect of each person being cared for - that is €2000 or doubled, in other words, to €4000.
These two provisions are intended to recognise the particular challenges faced by people caring for more than one person. We are committed to further examining how we can better support carers who are providing full-time care and attention to more than one person including a commitment in the programme for Government to increase the carer's support grant."